Simple modular sequencing with Max For Live
Have been working on Max For Live patches to sequence my Drum Skiff. As I mentioned previously, I’m using an excellent Max For Live Mutable Grids emulation by Mots, along with a CVPal…
Have been working on Max For Live patches to sequence my Drum Skiff. As I mentioned previously, I’m using an excellent Max For Live Mutable Grids emulation by Mots, along with a CVPal…
Have decided I needed a few more HP’s for drum synth modules, both to expand my sound palette and add extra modulation sources. So, I purchased a Make Noise 104HP…
Well, I’m making rapid progress. Have already built the frame for the Eurorack Drum Machine, based around a repurposed Pittsburgh Modular Cell 48 case, and installed three of the modules. The…