Modular madness
Just taking my first steps into the world of modular synthesis as an early present to myself for my up and coming 40th birthday (yes, I really am that old!)
Have started small with some basic doepfer modules including their Noise generator and Sample and Hold modules which are great for random filtered madness, and augmented them with a lovely TipTop Audio Z3000 oscillator which sounds lush! I also got a V’amp VCA from Post Modular which is pretty special and doubles as a ring modulator.
To follow is a Future Sound Systems Decade Counter, which seems strangely appropriate considering my advancing years!
The Novation Launchpad is used as a step sequencer for the modular synth, running a Max for Live patch. The Dark Energy acts as a MIDI to CV convertor as well as providing LFO’s and envelope duties until I buy dedicated modules for these.
Can see how this can get addictive (not to mention expensive!)
Hours of fun 🙂